Dear Paul,
Thank you.
Thank you for ringing out the sponge. Thank you for vacuuming. Thank you for being my tall step stool. Thank you for reading all the instruction manuals for me.
Thank you for introducing me to so. many funny movies. Thank you for watching the endless series of cooking shows by my side. Thank you for getting up at 4am to edit video.
Thank you for being such a good eater. Thank you for loving sushi. Thank you for sharing the popcorn.
Thank you for being my constant spell-checker. Thank you for making me laugh until it hurts. Thank you for being humble. Thank you for being a hands-on father.
Thank you for being strong. Thank you for having that gorgeous smile. Thank you for looking good in blue jeans and a white t-shirt.
Thank you for being passionate, and yet so easy-going. Thank you for being supportive. Thank you for always putting me first.
Thank you for walking up to me that fine day in February with a baseball and two gloves.
And thank you for giving me the family I never knew I wanted.
You are the milk with my cookie. The butter on my bread. The cream in my coffee.
I love you. Happy 6th – feels like a hundred years, doesn’t it?
p.s. I made these brownies for you. They’re uber chocolatey, rich, and amazing. You can’t eat them, of course, because of our insane exercise program. So I’m giving them to Haley’s preschool.
p.p.s. That bacon and cheese soup that you’ve been begging me to make? It’s coming, promise. Like for our 10th…because some occasions just call for fancy.
Get a room!!
I’m teasing. Or not. Bisous! Bisous! to you both. I’m so glad you’re sharing your love letter with us. It just makes me giggle with happiness to read this.
I still absolutely love this picture…and the love letter.
Thanks, Jen. It’s one of my favorite pictures, too. :)
So sweet!!!! Some folks, forget to thank their better halves, for all that they do. They’re taken for granted. John and I have never taken each other for granted…think that’s one of the many reasons, we’re still going strong!! Wishing you guys, nothing but the best..!!!
Thanks Sandi! The hippie guy that married us got choked up and after the ceremony he said, “That never ever happens. You guys are going to be great.” I took it as a good omen.
what a beautiful love letter
full of things we need to say to eachother everyday
Ah, thank you. We’ll be celebrating our 7th this weekend and I don’t think I can top my letter from last year. We’ll see.
Awwww… love this~ and you guys too!
Happy anniversary! Loved this sweet post and the delicious looking brownies!
Mellissa – That’s nice to hear! It was fun to write.
Dina – Miss you too! Come here!! I’ll make you brownies…
Jay – Or maybe it’s cheese and bacon scented soap?
Becky – Rule #42: do not read food blogs right before bed. That always leads to falling asleep with a full belly of pretzels. And crumbs on your pillow.
Amy – Do it! Both of them!
Aaaawww that’s so sweet! Makes me feel like writing a love letter to my husband too! Or making heart shaped brownies.
Thank you for this story and the food and the picture!
Glad I came here right before bed… umm, are there any leftovers? ;-)
Isn’t cheese and bacon the traditional 6th anniversary gift? Or is it soap?
Oh my heart is aching! Miss you!
So sweet! I love reading messages like this.
Thanks so much everyone!! I was out all morning and it was so awesome and heartwarming to come back to read all of these wonderful wishes.
Happy Anniversary! Your letter brought tears to my eyes. Very sweet!
Oh, my goodness! The letter is the only thing I can think of sweeter than the brownies. Happy anniversary and have a grand “new year” together.
How lovley. You know as I was reading that I thought…hmmm….I could just about substitute John (my hubby) in every space that you had Paul in. It’s great having a hubby you love and adore isn’t it? I think so *wink*. Happy Anniversary. I’m one year ahead of ya. This coming Monday will be our 7th.
That Thank You note had all the ingredients for the perfect love letter…emotion, warm sentiment, and chocolate.
Cheers to you.
Dear Paul- Come back to Minneapolis as I miss Haley & Trevor so very much………..I will have brownies!
Ms. Jenny
P.S. You can bring Amy too………cuz I miss her also!
P.P.S. That was so sweet, Happy Anniversary!
Thanks! We have been missing you guys and the kids. The weather is still wonderful here in Minnesota and we have still been in the driveway, feeding the squirrels. Nutty old neighbors.
yes, tears for sure… so sweet, we all deserve such a wonderful man in our lives and they deserve us to… have a wonderful anniversary…
Babe this is just super cute! I hope I meet someone someday who I love and adore as much as you adore Paul…and who I can have as awesome a relationship with! I’m so happy for you guys. Happy anniversary!
What an adorable anniversary present even if he doesn’t eat them!! I’m sure the preschoolers will be thrilled! :-)
So frickin sweet. Happy Anniversary Amy! I’m sure your daughter and her preschool-mates enjoyed the brownies, but when the insanity workout is over you better make them again for you and the hubs.
Very sweet, Amy! And the message was great, too.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. 6 years! 2 kids! May you have 60 more, anniversaries that is. 60 more kids and you’d have to move to Arkansas.
P.S. You could have given the cookies to me.
Oh, dear Lord, Amy. I want to be your husband… just so that I can have that message pointed at me :)
Have a great anniversary, guys! You deserve it.
OMG. This made me cry. So sweet.
Oh, and I can vouch…the brownies are OUTSTANDING (though the ones I was given weren’t heart-shaped…I guess I can’t have everything). ;o)
The ? was supposed to be a heart! :) Happy Anniversary!!
That was wonderful. ?
So sweet! P.S. LOVE the heart shaped brownies!
Forget the brownies (or maybe not!)….this was the best anniversary message. I have tears in my eyes.